A Guide To Write A Consulting Manager Resume

consulting manager resume

As a consulting manager, you are always on the lookout for the best opportunities out there. Organizations seek consultants to help them solve complex problems related to productivity, value addition, and employee and customer satisfaction among other things.

Securing a rewarding job in a competitive environment requires more than just the bare minimum of qualifications and relevant experience. It is more about making a successful case for your candidacy for the recruiters so that they could not ignore you in the face of other prospective professionals. 

A resume is the first step toward securing excellence in your career. As a consulting manager, it is your job to help businesses solve their problems, but how can you help yourself with the task of getting a job in the first place? This is where this exceptional resource comes into the picture!

Who Is A Consulting Manager?

For many people in the corporate world, the term consulting manager or management consultant may sound arbitrary. However, this is as concrete as a service or a profession can get. Being a consultant, you should be able to define your work and vocations to both people inside and outside the industry.

In simple terms, a consultant provides counsel to organizations, both small businesses, and large corporations, regarding their operations and how to improve them. There are many cases when a consultant is called into the company. In his reactive capacity, he helps with identifying and solving issues. In the proactive role, the professionals devise plans and execute them to help businesses with improved functions and operations.

Since they are employed in diverse industries, including but not limited to, banking, finance, hospitality, and more, it is necessary to take a look at desirable qualifications. This will help prospective candidates check whether they come close to the bar or not:

  • At least a 16- year degree in business administration or management
  • 5+ years of experience in a management consultant capacity
  • Command in software and online tools for data collection, processing, and compilation
  • Teamwork and leadership
  • Mentorship
  • Organizational skills

Responsibilities Of A Consulting Manager

A lot is going on for consulting managers because they have active roles in problem-solving as well as the improvement of operations and functions of a firm. At a large business, there are no slow days for consultants so it is necessary to understand the complete scope of their role through responsibilities and obligations.

Here is a rundown of the typical consulting manager at a firm:

  • Analyzing a company’s position on a certain matter through the collection and processing of data
  • Collecting real-world information by interviewing clients, employees, management, and other shareholders
  • Understanding project guidelines and negotiating with the management to secure the resources for timely completion
  • Recommending solutions to problems and helping businesses implement those solutions
  • Leading other analysts and departments regarding developments
  • Managing projects and developing programs, timelines, and milestones, from planning to execution
  • Preparation of proposals and milestones to communicate with all stakeholders

By understanding the typical responsibilities entrusted to professionals in corporate settings, you will be able to leverage your position on the resume.

Creating A Stand Out Consulting Manager Resume 

A resume is a simple document with extraordinary information that can make or break a deal for a job candidate. It highlights the merits and strong points of a professional by relying on his work experience, academic qualifications, and skills. Since many applicants fulfill the minimum criteria of the vacancy, it is important to take some time and develop a stand-out resume for the position.

Taking this need of professionals into account, we will go through this simple yet comprehensive guide on how to create a superb resume for consulting manager position.

  • Listing Relevant Contact Information

This is called a header and it comes at the top of the resume. It covers the relevant contact information of the candidate. The best practice includes writing full name, phone number, and email. The address is optional and only helpful if a role is area-specific.

  • Writing A Superb Job/ Objectives Summary

A job summary or objectives summary provides a gist of the career and aspirations of the candidate. The best method to write one down is to form sentences with qualifications, and years of experience, and then highlight the achievements and accomplishments in those years. For fresh graduates, it is best to stick with the ambitions and objectives for the future position.

  • Highlight Work Experience Through Actionable Verbs

Work experience is another thing that recruiters and hiring managers are most interested in, after the job summary. It details the responsibilities and roles that candidates have been entrusted with and how they fared in those roles. Instead of simply mentioning responsibilities and duties, consultants should showcase their achievements in strong words.

  • Connecting Academic Qualifications With Experience

Academic qualification always comes secondary to experience if professionals have around 3 to 5 years of experience. There is no fancy work in connecting academic qualifications with experience by writing the degree name, years of attendance, and school name. If the courses are relevant to management and consultant work, it is best to write them in bold.

  • Showcasing Skills & Technological Prowess

Management consultants need to work around many online tools, software, and programs. If you know some of them and how to operate them for the discharge of your duties, you should highlight them accordingly in your resume in this section. Most common tools include data collection and management software, content creation, and so on.

Things To Remember While Writing A Consulting Manager Resume

If you are still swarmed or overwhelmed by the thought of writing a resume from scratch, there is no need to abandon the task altogether. It may seem like a daunting process, but very rewarding and enlightening in the end. 

To better accelerate your process and help you pass through the process, we have designed this section for your consideration. Keep all these things in mind while writing your resume and you will not only save time but end up with a superior product.

  • Structure & Formatting

This is the overall look and feel of the resumes as you have seen on the internet or that of friends and coworkers. Some employ simple text with descriptive paragraphs and bullets, to sum up, the information. Others rely on infographics to convey their message in a better way. Whatever you choose, it should be holistic in approach and complement all the other sections of the resume.

  • References

At the initial stage, hiring managers do not ask for references. These are contact details of former bosses and coworkers that can help prospective managers know about the character, conduct, and acumen of the professionals. The best thing to do is to leave the section as is, but if you want to add references, it is best to first consult with them and then add relevant details.

  • Proofreading & Editing

No matter how meticulously and masterfully you have written the initial drafts of your resume, there are errors and inconsistencies in the text. After finishing the writing phase, professionals should take some time aside and proofread the resume and make necessary edits. This will further polish their resume and help them get their message across more effectively.

Summing Up The Discussion

Management consultants are the ultimate problem-solvers that firms can hire to further streamline their operations. There are certain qualifications and experience points that professionals need to meet if they want to stand a chance to make it to the interview. Since every job search starts and ends with a solid resume, we have dedicated this whole blog post to help professionals identify the role, understand the intended responsibilities, and then provided an excellent guide on how to write a stand-out resume. We hope that management consultants will find it useful in the pursuit of developing a resume. If they feel that they are not up for the task, it is best to get a professional resume writing service onboard!


How can I showcase my skills on a consulting manager resume?

The best way to showcase your skills on a consulting manager resume is to highlight your achievements in academics and previous roles. Use strong verbs and show the recruiters that you are the one they call when they need to get the job done.

What is the best format for a consulting manager resume?

The best format for the resume of a management consultant is the standard one. It has descriptive paragraphs and bullet points to emphasize a point. The margins are one inch on both sides and the font size and style are also legible.

Why is it important to research before writing a resume?

While streamlining a resume before sending it out, it is best to take some time and research the role to see what traits are desirable for consultants. Then, match them with the ones in the job description of the vacancy and balance them out.

Can I hire a professional writer to develop my consulting manager resume?

Yes, of course! It is always best in your interest to hire a professional to do the heavy lifting for you. The companies have the tools, experience, and expertise to ensure you land your dream role. As for effectiveness, many offer a money-back guarantee.

What is the best way to showcase work experience on a resume?

The best way to showcase work experience on a resume is by adding the title, time of serving at that position, and the responsibilities and achievements during that tenure. Make sure you paint your capabilities in a positive light to ensure maximum traction and support.

Written by Simon W